Author: James "Opa" Carnahan

No original source of the oil found, however, OEPA did clean up where it was collecting upstream at a trash dam (other side of Waterloo rd).

No original source of the oil found, however, OEPA did clean up where it was collecting upstream at a trash dam (other side of Waterloo rd).

What we are seeing here is the residual. Fire department placed the soft booms with our trash booms to collect that. (Some placement adjustment is in order and being handled). Sorry for the late update, flu had knocked me on my can.

Litter picker at the side of the road

While I was filming the construction site at Summit Lake this morning, I came across this man picking up trash along the fence line.

Introduced myself and we talked some. He does this because it makes his heart happy is what he shared. Not showing his face out of respect for his privacy.

Construction site north of Summit Lake lacking mitigation to prevent the soils here from directly polluting the lake we are working so hard to clean up.

Construction site north of Summit Lake lacking mitigation to prevent the soils here from directly polluting the lake we are working so hard to clean up.

OEPA was notified Wednesday and responded yesterday that they would look into it. Rains today and tomorrow…the system works slow. Wouldn’t it be better if folks just did the right thing instead of waiting for someone to tell them?