Wounded! Could be the last boom cleanup for a while!
Just a little dialogue for the first part of the video and then some details on what is happening at this and some other trash booms. 1 bag about 25 pounds.
Summit Lake, Kenmore side. 72” outfall that has been dumping storm sewer trash directly into the lake for decades. This STOPS next week! Thank you to the City of Akron, the Ohio & Erie Canal Way, South Street Ministries, Ward 9 Councilperson – Tina Boyes, Summit Metro Parks and all the people that support and…
Nobel Oil dumped 1000 gallons of used motor oil into the Tuscrawaras River when transferring from their tanker truck into a railcar at the P-C Sales transfer station in Barberton and the resulting #disasteronthetuscarawas polluted the environment for miles, killing countless wildlife and affecting many more. We monitored the cleanup for the next 11 weeks…
This will help in our efforts at this location! BTW #RiverkeepersOhio will be here Sunday doing some work on the booms and cleaning out trash. #bagoftrashaday
We hit the booms at Summit Lake and picked up a bag from the towpath. He earned his reward and shirt!!!
Michaela, my Cousin here from Germany, spent some time this weekend checking and cleaning booms. 3 bags of trash and another 60 pounds or should it be 27.22 kilograms, out of the waterways!