Clean-out of the Canal Boom
46 pounds of trash from this spot today. This is a demonstration of how we do this after a rain event.
46 pounds of trash from this spot today. This is a demonstration of how we do this after a rain event.
36 pounds of bottles, cans, bags, styrofoam to name a few, all from storm sewers.
There was no report to the public from them, local politicos, OEPA, ODNR or anyone for that mater. That is until George Wright ventured down to the creek on Sept 10th (4 days after the event) for some fishing only to find all the fish dead. He contacted the local fire department along with OEPA…
Canal Boom in place! 120 feet of trash catching magic deployed just south of Summit Lake that will help keep the lake cleaner. Thanks to Dave Stoler, Eric Fitch (thanks Pam for lending us your muscle) and Jerry Harris from Summit Metro Parks! (They help remove the trash we collect from some of our locations)….
Great things happen at Ward 9 meetings! Last night #RiverkeepersOhio was gifted this extendable rake for our work by Julie Ann Sweet-Buntin! Thank You!!
Pretty big source of trash there and we should be able to access it to cleanup with just a pair of muck boots. Thanks South Street Ministries for the interest and the assist! And thanks to Summit Metro Parks.