river cleanup

Getting ready to put in a boom up on the canal off Summit Lake

Getting ready to put in a boom up on the canal off Summit Lake

Canal Boom in place! 120 feet of trash catching magic deployed just south of Summit Lake that will help keep the lake cleaner. Thanks to Dave Stoler, Eric Fitch (thanks Pam for lending us your muscle) and Jerry Harris from Summit Metro Parks! (They help remove the trash we collect from some of our locations)….

With the expected weather, we wanted to clear and check the boom on Mud Run

With the expected weather, we wanted to clear and check the boom on Mud Run

We appreciate the efforts of Akron Services Department in clearing access to the site! Close to 100 pounds today and well over a ton so far at this site has been removed. We will be deploying another boom on Summit Lake this Monday morning at the end of IRA Ave. If anyone is interested in…