Great things happen at Ward 9 meetings!
Great things happen at Ward 9 meetings! Last night #RiverkeepersOhio was gifted this extendable rake for our work by Julie Ann Sweet-Buntin! Thank You!!
Great things happen at Ward 9 meetings! Last night #RiverkeepersOhio was gifted this extendable rake for our work by Julie Ann Sweet-Buntin! Thank You!!
This is one of the MAJOR sources of trash coming into Summit Lake. I was out surveying outfalls from my kayak today. We already have two booms on the lake and with some collaboration, we should be deploying a few more on and around the lake soon. Did pull a bag of trash today.
I blame our conversation on the water!. We cleaned booms, 6 bags here 1 from Summit, did some boom maintenance and discussed new booms to install.