bag of trash a day

An absorption boom was noticed by Dave Stoler at the storm sewer outfall on the Tuscarawas river below the Wolf Creek trailhead.
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An absorption boom was noticed by Dave Stoler at the storm sewer outfall on the Tuscarawas river below the Wolf Creek trailhead.

He did not notice any substance in the water. Out of caution and past experiences especially in this location, we reported to OEPA and received a quick reply. Turns out, last week a Kimball truck had a hydraulic line issue and spilled a couple gallons of fluid on the ground upstream of this location. There…

Opa Runs and Chris from South Street Ministries

We spent the morning running through the booms with Chris of South Street Ministries and collecting 9 bags of trash and a TV at 143 pounds.

They will be assisting with cleaning out the booms going forward. Today was “training” with Chris so he can train his crews. Dave was here too but had to leave before pictures were taken!

Dave and I spent time down on Mud Run creek this morning pulling over 150 pounds of trash and took advantage of the extra low water level to pull out a large obstruction that has been there since day one.

Dave and I spent time down on Mud Run creek this morning pulling over 150 pounds of trash and took advantage of the extra low water level to pull out a large obstruction that has been there since day one.

On 6 Sept, the Dover Chemical company in Dover was responsible for a toxic spill of a phenol based product into Sugar Creek (tributary to the Tuscarawas) resulting the immediate killing of fish.

On 6 Sept, the Dover Chemical company in Dover was responsible for a toxic spill of a phenol based product into Sugar Creek (tributary to the Tuscarawas) resulting the immediate killing of fish.

There was no report to the public from them, local politicos, OEPA, ODNR or anyone for that mater. That is until George Wright ventured down to the creek on Sept 10th (4 days after the event) for some fishing only to find all the fish dead. He contacted the local fire department along with OEPA…