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Welcome our newest #riverkeepersohio member Grant!
We hit the booms at Summit Lake and picked up a bag from the towpath. He earned his reward and shirt!!!
We spent the morning running through the booms with Chris of South Street Ministries and collecting 9 bags of trash and a TV at 143 pounds.
They will be assisting with cleaning out the booms going forward. Today was “training” with Chris so he can train his crews. Dave was here too but had to leave before pictures were taken!
Wolf Creek this morning! A steady flow of sheen flowing at the confluence with the Tuscarawas river.
Dave noted it before I arrived and we watched for a few minutes. We looked upstream for a possible source but with such limited access to the water in this section, we found nothing. We did make a report to the OEPA. Will post with any follow-up. Update: 3 June 4pm, OEPA has contacted me…
Riverkeepers Ohio has gone International!
Michaela, my Cousin here from Germany, spent some time this weekend checking and cleaning booms. 3 bags of trash and another 60 pounds or should it be 27.22 kilograms, out of the waterways!