Riverkeepers Ohio has gone International!
Michaela, my Cousin here from Germany, spent some time this weekend checking and cleaning booms. 3 bags of trash and another 60 pounds or should it be 27.22 kilograms, out of the waterways!
…this is one of the things we do, clean our trash booms at Mud Run. 2.5 bags of trash, Chair, 5 Gallon bucket of something for close to 100 pounds. (Listen to the video for more details.)
We appreciate the efforts of Akron Services Department in clearing access to the site! Close to 100 pounds today and well over a ton so far at this site has been removed. We will be deploying another boom on Summit Lake this Monday morning at the end of IRA Ave. If anyone is interested in…
I blame our conversation on the water!. We cleaned booms, 6 bags here 1 from Summit, did some boom maintenance and discussed new booms to install.