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We deployed two more booms on Summit Lake this morning and cleaned up around the dock by the Nature Center.
Has been a busy week but well worth it! Next project will be deploying a boom on the canal south of the lake…maybe this weekend!
Sometimes ya just have to put it out there to help make it happen!
This is one of the MAJOR sources of trash coming into Summit Lake. I was out surveying outfalls from my kayak today. We already have two booms on the lake and with some collaboration, we should be deploying a few more on and around the lake soon. Did pull a bag of trash today.
Met Bob along the east side of Summit Lake today and collected about 55 pounds of trash from the booms on that side following yesterday’s rain.
Will hit the west side tomorrow along with Mud Run and Wolf Creek! Thanks Summit Metro Parks for picking up my bags!
People often ask what Riverkeepers Ohio does over the winter…
…this is one of the things we do, clean our trash booms at Mud Run. 2.5 bags of trash, Chair, 5 Gallon bucket of something for close to 100 pounds. (Listen to the video for more details.)
Exactly 1 year ago today
Nobel Oil dumped 1000 gallons of used motor oil into the Tuscrawaras River when transferring from their tanker truck into a railcar at the P-C Sales transfer station in Barberton and the resulting #disasteronthetuscarawas polluted the environment for miles, killing countless wildlife and affecting many more. We monitored the cleanup for the next 11 weeks…