Happy New Year!
Wolf Creek boom in Norton broke away, a result of high water. Booms are designed to do just this so as not to cause flooding issues. We will get it reattached when the water comes down and it is safe.
Great things happen at Ward 9 meetings! Last night #RiverkeepersOhio was gifted this extendable rake for our work by Julie Ann Sweet-Buntin! Thank You!!
6 bags here and 1 from Summit Lake. Wendy, Dave and I are missing Debbie today. She had an injury a week ago and is recovering. She should be back a little in the future. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!
Nobel Oil dumped 1000 gallons of used motor oil into the Tuscrawaras River when transferring from their tanker truck into a railcar at the P-C Sales transfer station in Barberton and the resulting #disasteronthetuscarawas polluted the environment for miles, killing countless wildlife and affecting many more. We monitored the cleanup for the next 11 weeks…
46 pounds of trash from this spot today. This is a demonstration of how we do this after a rain event.
From designing our trash boom, getting it approved by ODNR at the beginning of the year, to coordinating with Summit Metro Parks, City of Akron, City of Norton; working with property owners for access, South Street Ministries and Ohio Erie Canalway Coalition, who help pull out some of the trash collected in the booms. Our…