Cleaned out the trash boom on the canal south of Summit Lake and then a lap around the lake proper.
49 pounds of trash in 4 bags isn’t too bad for a 40 degree day in winter and this view was my reward!

These came from our first sponsor Total Office, Inc.. With the additional locations of trash booms, groups and people wanting to help with cleaning and installing, we need additional supplies. We are also setting up an account at our local Home Depot for those who would be interested in sponsoring a boom or two. (That…
Looks like the word made it to the folks working here. Some barriers have been put in place. Even with a soft voice, we can have impact.
We are starting to see some visible fruits of our labors with the booms.
these two old guys meet up on Mud Run to repair blown out booms and clean up a creek. Tomorrow I hear they are going to be down stream of here to get the trash from the blown out booms 😉. Still 6 bags of trash close to 100 pounds.
Dave and I had planned on cleaning the boom at Mud Run this morning and the rain started so I took advantage of that and came down to check the booms on Summit Lake and this is the result of that.
Wolf Creek boom in Norton broke away, a result of high water. Booms are designed to do just this so as not to cause flooding issues. We will get it reattached when the water comes down and it is safe.