Clean-out of the Canal Boom
46 pounds of trash from this spot today. This is a demonstration of how we do this after a rain event.
Probably our biggest challenge is getting access to locations that would be perfect for boom placement as so much is on private property. However, that doesn’t stop us from a plan B. We did get a bag of trash out of the booms on Summit Lake this morning following the rain event yesterday. We evaluate…
Because moving water is ever changing, we need to adjust. Dave and I were talking after the move how full of trash this area was last year when we started this. Now, we almost always see fish and wildlife here. Does make us feel good.
This is a 5 minute video showing the process of building and installing a boom. We anticipate a pretty good volume of trash collected here and very grateful to Julie Miller and her husband for giving access to this location and the City of Norton who will be picking up our collected trash!
36 pounds of bottles, cans, bags, styrofoam to name a few, all from storm sewers.
We appreciate the efforts of Akron Services Department in clearing access to the site! Close to 100 pounds today and well over a ton so far at this site has been removed. We will be deploying another boom on Summit Lake this Monday morning at the end of IRA Ave. If anyone is interested in…
these two old guys meet up on Mud Run to repair blown out booms and clean up a creek. Tomorrow I hear they are going to be down stream of here to get the trash from the blown out booms 😉. Still 6 bags of trash close to 100 pounds.