Riverkeepers Ohio

Getting ready to put in a boom up on the canal off Summit Lake

Getting ready to put in a boom up on the canal off Summit Lake

Canal Boom in place! 120 feet of trash catching magic deployed just south of Summit Lake that will help keep the lake cleaner. Thanks to Dave Stoler, Eric Fitch (thanks Pam for lending us your muscle) and Jerry Harris from Summit Metro Parks! (They help remove the trash we collect from some of our locations)….

OpaRuns and Dave Stoler flexing their muscles

Had to pull out “the guns” for 253 pounds of trash this morning that made it downstream on Mud Run when our booms blew out from the flooding. (We repaired them yesterday).

We do have some fun and really appreciate the waves and words of encouragement from folks passing by. Tomorrow at 8 am, we will be on Summit Lake around the Nature Center adding secondary booms there. (Too much trash coming through the storm sewers on heavy rain events). A big Thank You to Summit Metro…

Trash caught in the boom

Some old men meet up for coffee in the morning, some go fishing or take in a walk…

these two old guys meet up on Mud Run to repair blown out booms and clean up a creek. Tomorrow I hear they are going to be down stream of here to get the trash from the blown out booms 😉. Still 6 bags of trash close to 100 pounds.

Exactly 1 year ago today

Exactly 1 year ago today

Nobel Oil dumped 1000 gallons of used motor oil into the Tuscrawaras River when transferring from their tanker truck into a railcar at the P-C Sales transfer station in Barberton and the resulting #disasteronthetuscarawas polluted the environment for miles, killing countless wildlife and affecting many more. We monitored the cleanup for the next 11 weeks…