Akron crew clearing a debris jam just upstream from our boom. Thank You!
This will help in our efforts at this location! BTW #RiverkeepersOhio will be here Sunday doing some work on the booms and cleaning out trash. #bagoftrashaday
This will help in our efforts at this location! BTW #RiverkeepersOhio will be here Sunday doing some work on the booms and cleaning out trash. #bagoftrashaday
36 pounds of bottles, cans, bags, styrofoam to name a few, all from storm sewers.
From designing our trash boom, getting it approved by ODNR at the beginning of the year, to coordinating with Summit Metro Parks, City of Akron, City of Norton; working with property owners for access, South Street Ministries and Ohio Erie Canalway Coalition, who help pull out some of the trash collected in the booms. Our…
We appreciate the efforts of Akron Services Department in clearing access to the site! Close to 100 pounds today and well over a ton so far at this site has been removed. We will be deploying another boom on Summit Lake this Monday morning at the end of IRA Ave. If anyone is interested in…
This is one of the MAJOR sources of trash coming into Summit Lake. I was out surveying outfalls from my kayak today. We already have two booms on the lake and with some collaboration, we should be deploying a few more on and around the lake soon. Did pull a bag of trash today.